Friday, February 28, 2014

Mon Feb 24 - Friday Feb 28 - Hanging out/golf/prep for visitors

Mon Feb 24 - Fri Feb 28 - Hanging out/golf/prep for visitors
Lakeway Marina... see the original water line!!
One of the things that I am told is, when writing a blog, it is better to say nothing than blog about the mundane happenings that inevitably form part of life 'on the road'. So I will try to avoid details of laundry and such except in dire circumstances... the Brisket we cooked in the crock-pot on the previous night turned out to be delicious, though somewhat salty... we puzzled about how that could be... when we never add salt to any cooking... until we took a trip back to Costco later in the week to discover it was actually 'corned beef brisket'... brined !!! Note  to self and others... beware of brisket that is brined... delicious but SO salty. 
Going going Gone!!!! ALMOST!!
Monday we headed out to explore Lakeway and the Marina. We were really shocked to see just how low Lake Travis is (not really a lake.. just a dammed area of the Colorado River.) It is 51 feet below its normal. A woman at the marina said that the last time it was at 'normal' was in 2009. 
Used to be a prime lakefront property!!!
The photos here are an attempt to demonstrate how desperate the situation is here. The Marina and Bar we went to last year in Hudson Bend (Carlos and Charlies) has recently closed for good... such a shame.
Not much marine traffic these days
The following day Derek was lucky enough to get another golf game in. He was thrilled with his game... he felt he played one of his best games ever. Today was 'Happy birthday' to Janice's brother, who she was able to talk to by phone... good to catch up with family. Janice was also invited lunch with about 20 other women from the resort.. went to The Black Walnut... nice cafe-style restaurant.. great salads and everyone had a great time. Wednesday it was back to physiotherapy at Texas orthopedics... my range of motion has improved, but still lots of pain and no ability to put any pressure on the hand or wrist. But baby steps are good! We also did another quick trip to Costco for supplies for visitors etc.  Thursday was clean-up and laundry... not a good blog topic, except we rented a carpet cleaner from 'Wallymart'... and after our carpet was soaked through we realized that it was leaking from the bottom as Derek was cleaning.. so we have a soaked carpet, but quite a clean one... it'll be nice when we can walk on it again!!!!! LOL.  Friday we finished our cleaning and went out and got supplies for the cabin we have rented for visitors. We got the key in the late afternoon and got stuff into the fridge etc. The cabin is nice, but much smaller than we expected in the main area, a result of having a queen bedroom at each end... Still it has everything anyone will need and I think it will be comfortable.

Imagine when it was at 'normal levels'... so sad...!!  They really need water here!

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