Our last sea day. Red
legs unchanged, we headed down to the med centre thereby not breaking Janice’s
habit of visiting it on every cruise so far!! This trip was short and sweet. As
she lifted her pant leg to show the nurse at the desk, the Dr. came out of his
office, looked down and said “ I know exactly what that is, you don’t need me..
come in and I will show you on the computer”. So we tottered in and he
explained that I had “golfer’s vasculitis”, also known as “Disneyworld
syndrome”. It always occurs on the inside of both legs and nowhere else and
stops abruptly at the sock line. It is caused by exercise in a hot climate
followed by stasis and is very common (and I reluctantly admit “as we get
older”) MOVING ON……….. wallets intact…. Janice’s legs discreetly covered and glad of the cooler weather,
we lolled around, did most of our packing and got gussied up for the last
formal night. It started with a Captains cocktail Party, where we enjoyed a few
drinks with our Aussie friends and then headed in to dinner… Beef Welly with a
side of Lobster…. YUM!!