Saturday, December 15, 2012

Dec 13-15 2012 relaxing/Texas wine tasting/packing

 We are just taking things easy, sorting out stuff we brought with us (and chucking more out!!!) Realized that we really did bring too much with us.. how many electric cords do we need... and we won't even begin to discuss clothes!!!!!
We have great neighbours, which is a bonus and we share our various equipment with each other. I am envious of his beautiful Harley!!! 
Thursday we went to a Texas wine tasting at the pavilion here.... take two bottles, one goes in for draw at end of night and one is opened for all to try. They had tons of great cheeses and snacks and a massive log fire (lit with a huge blow torch attached to a 20lb propane tank... quite impressive to watch!!)
We met many of the other 'residents' and exchanged stories from the road and recommendations for where to go and where to avoid. Had a blast.... Discovered how much they really like their guns in this area of the country.. not up for discussion.
Friday we spent around the site. 20 degree sunny weather. We are both stunned by the news of the school shooting in Newtown. There is nothing we can say. It is just too sad. The world grieves today.
Saturday we are doing a final pack of our cases to leave tomorrow morning for Vancouver and our much looked forward to Christmas with Evan and Kyle. Merry Christmas everyone... will try to update a little while we are away, but it may be put on hold for a couple of weeks. Sorry no photos to add ... couldn't find my camera for a couple of days. We are taking the truck to the airport leaving at 5am. Excited!!