Thursday, October 30, 2014

Wed /Thur Oct 29 - 30 New Orleans to Austin

 Oct 29 - 30 New Orleans to Austin

Back again!!
I guess he bought the display model!
We were up and off quite early, threading our way through the morning highway just north of the main city routes. Made the location at Pontchartrain very worthwhile. A good RV park, especially with the shuttle downtown, just very dry and dusty while we were there. A pretty uneventful drive, through Baton Rouge and on through to Houston. We stayed the night at the Trader Village RV. It is GIANT flea market with a huge section for RV’s. Probably geared toward the flea market traders. Very tight quarters, but clean, economical overnight stop.
Wonder what the origin of this road name is!!!

Thursday : We got up and took off right at 9.30 as planned. (we hadn’t hooked up services) and had an easy drive through mid-Texas, arriving at La Hacienda at 1.00pm. As we drove down 620 toward Hudson Bend (a road we know quite well) we began to get quite excited. We have been a long way since we were here last and our parking skills are much better. (puttin up christmas trees and backing in to RV spots are a prime landscape for divorce). We backed in first time! Lisa was over to see us within an hour after we arrived, we are next to Dave and Ruth (Dave is the blues singer), Travis reacted as if we’d been to the moon and back (love that guy). 
We really felt as if we had arrived 'home'.  We soon set up and settled in.  Lisa and Mike came over after dinner and we sat outside and caught up on the events of the summer. Looking forward to being set for a few weeks and basically vegging.