Monday, February 4, 2013

Mon Feb 4th 2013

Monday Feb 4th 2013
Up at 7:30, breakfast and pack up. Ready to leave by 10am. We will miss this place, and the lovely people we met. All our future neighbours have a tough act to follow!! The drive down to Galveston was long, 5 hours, but fairly easy. Janice actually did the lions share this time for a change. 
Just arrived at Sandpiper RV Resort, Galveston, Texas
The sign of the day was actually a road sign for the next exit "KICKAPOO RD -  EXIT 1MILE"  Now how would you like to live on Kickapoo road?????? Spelling it out every time on the phone or over a counter!!! I wish I had been fast enough with the camera on that one!! We arrived late afternoon and set up, then went for a short jaunt around town on our bikes before heading back and we barbequed the bratwurst and smoked sausage we bought at the Friesenhaus restaurant/deli in New Braunfels. It was even better than we imagined and we drooled and smacked our lips in total taste ecstasy. Watched a bit of ‘telly’ and relaxed for the evening.

The whirlpool and pool at the resort

Who is that good-looking guy hanging out at the pool??
PS: Happy 91st Mum... miss you!!