Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mon May 28th - Conewego to Spring Gulch Campground, New Holland

Monday May 28th 2012 - Conewego to Spring Gulch Campground, New Holland

Up and out to rivers edge with tea and watched some serious early morning fishing : 

Across from our site - early morning
And again

Kids fishing

One on the Hook

Landed a big one

Proud moment

Very Large Catfish.... another guy took it to cook later.

o   Decided to leave Conewego Isle and and get into the Lancaster area. Found campground in Woodall's guide. Arrived at spring Gulch Campground in New Holland close to Intercourse Pennsylvania.
o   We chose a site on upper level and are blown away by  the size and privacy of the sites…. We are in #1587. What a difference from Conewego. 2 lakes, 2 pools, WiFi, store… (even a spa)….
o   Set up and headed for the pool and read our books, chatted from other campers (always good to get the scoop on other good sites etc etc.
o   Had dinner, chatted with Braden on Skyoe lit a fire and relaxed.
o   Slow day and totally enjoyed it. Hot and sunny all day. 
We saw a train of about 20-30 Amish Buggies - Memorial day

More buggies - Memorial day

Camped and off to the pool

Aaahhh ---- LOVELY!!!

Great food

Great site - Spring Gulch Campground #1587 .. New Holland PA.

Sunday May 27th 2012 - Gettysburg Day

·      Today was Gettysburg day for us. Memorial weekend here in the US.
·      Straight to Gettysburg historic site and museum.
·      Started off with a movie narrated by Morgan Freeman which summarized the events leading up, the reasons for and the chronology of the American Civil War 1861 -1865. Basically it found it’s beginnings in the election of Lincoln to the presidency in 1861. He wanted to end slavery and prevent it’s spread westward as the United States grew. South Carolina seceded from the union and sparked a confederation with 5 other southern states. They appointed Jefferson Davis as their first President and so America had 2 sitting presidents. Robert E Lee headed up the Confederate Army and General Meade the Union army. When the Confederates threatened to take Pennsylvania by force, the Union Army (USA) decided to fight back and thus began the three day conflict in July 1863 in Gettysburg.
·      Gettysburg saw about 50,000 casualties (about 8,000 deaths) The rest Injured or missing.
·      We headed up to a ‘Cyclorama’ which was painted in the 1888’s…. ABSOLUTELY AMAZING…  It was refurbished in 2002 for a cost of $5million. Inch by inch using razor blades and Qtips.  The detail was astonishing. 
·      Bought a 3 cd set of an auto tour and set off for about 4 1/2 hours around the battlefield. To stop and read all of the 1400 monuments would be days !!!!
·      To relate all the heart-renching details and stories would be too much. But we  would recommend anyone to do this tour. Some highlights:
o   Confederates attacked from Seminary Ridge against the union army on Cemetery Ridge (known as Pickett’s charge)
o   Highest loss of life in any single day in American history.
o   Brothers fought against brothers, friends against friends
o   If Stonewall Jackson (under Robert E Lee) had not been killed before Gettysburg, one wonders if the result would have been different and hence life as we know it in North America.
o   One of the key success factors for the Union was the recruitment of freed black slaves into military service a much need boost to the numbers .
o   Attacks and counter attacks were numerous (especially at Little Round Top, a strategic  high spot that the confederates tried to take and failed.
o   Only one civilian casualty (a woman, Jenny Wade who was baking in her kitchen at the time)
o   Gettysburg was the pivotal point in the civil war, yet it continued on for 2 more years.

·      Derek and I were moved by this day of immersing ourselves in the American Civil War. We knew little about it before but came away almost exhausted, yet enthralled by the enormity of the event. 
Some Photos from the day:

The spot Where Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address.. (inscribed on righthand panel)

the Etrenal Flame

Sally., the regimental dog who stayed with dead member of Pennsylvania regiment until the remaining members returend and found her almost starved... she refused to leave them behgind.

Untion cannons on Cemetery Hill.. aimed at Seminary Hill

Derek on phone to UK Derek from Little Round Top

Please step away from the phone.... or else!!!!!
On top of Little Round Top.... Rccks that have quite a story (UK Derek?????)

general Robert E Lee atop his hore Traveller

The famous rocks from Little Round Top (Devils Glen?)

Trostle Fsrm- (with Cannon ball hole in roof preserved (saw original photo with dead animals in front.

Big Round Top... Not as strategic beacuse of tree coverage.

Pennsylvania monument to soldiers

 Culps Hill Look out over battlefields (Confedereate hill)
On Top of Culps hill Lookout tower

Waiting patiently at Culps hill.
Ready, Aim..... Fire

Derek once again in line of fire

·      Back to camp and BBQ’d some chicken we bought earlier in the day … delicious.  And then the heavens opened…. What a quick storm… we saw the guy across the way folding up his awning and pulling in his pushouts… turned out he had an advanced weather warning system phone app… must get that!!!!

Sat May 26th - Washington - Pennsylvania

·      Time to break camp and move on (reluctantly I might add). Had leisurely breakfast and asked for late checkout.

Got coach ready for take off and went for a walk on the hiking trail around the camp. What a pleasant surprise. The walk is mostly through the wooded area surrounding the camp and by-passes ponds and an enclosed dog runs (complete with a fire hydrant) , and the cottages they have for rental (more like houses)… still in awe of this amazing campground.  Best ever!!  Janice saw a deer streaking by in front of the path (unfortunately Derek missed it … must have been preoccupied with something else).


 Back to camp and hitched up before heading to pool.  Derek went for a swim – Janice regretfully didn’t wear her swimsuit and was highly jealous of Derek frolicking  in the pool while she baked in the VERY hot sun. But took photos of him.

·      Left at 1:30pm and drove up to Pennsylvania to Conewego Isle Campground. The difference is like night and day from the last place.... This place is friendly as anything but quite 'scruffy' .. not up to m’lord’s and m’lady's standards. NO wifi and NO phone connection at our site.  Even the other campers seemed rather intimidating staring at us as we wound our way through the camp with our big rig to site H.  Later discovered they are a friendly bunch, out to have fun with their families. The whole place is kind of run down and in need of some repair, but it will be home for the next few days so we will make the best of it.
·      After setting up we headed to the pavilion with our computers to send email to the kids and look up area attractions
·      Storm brewing and the rain started .. so headed back to site to batten down the hatches and try to cook some dinner. There was a DJ setting up in the pavillion as we left and we wondered what on earth would be going down tonight!!!!!????? LOL...
·      Storm didn’t amount  to much and Derek BBQ’d up the MOST AMAZING pork ribs (country style with all the white meat) YUM!!!! We are starting to wonder why US meat tastes so good… more research to be done!!! Janice had a nap.
·      Headed over to the Pavliion to see the ‘hoe-down’. Turned out to be a disco for 6-15 year olds, having tons of fun.  As Derek said… this type of thing is what memories are made of for these youngsters.  Wandered around the site and headed to bed early. (One group sounded like they were having a little bit too much fun., sleep came with difficulty).

Friday May 25th 2012 - Camp Day

Friday May 25th 2012
·      Camp day.  Catch –up and take a breath.
·      Hopped up to Home depot and picked up a few bits. For the trailer (shower glass wiper, spare hose etc.). 
·      Down to the pool to swim and bask in the 85-90 degree weather. Such a beautiful day. 
·      Walked around the camp again to see all the motorbikes that are here for the Memorial Day run.
·      Steak on the BBQ - US corn fed tenderloin …. With baked potato and fried onions. Fabulous meal… cooked to perfection by the new master chef of the household.
·      Chatted with Grant on Skype… lovely. 
·      Another walk round campground then lit a fire and had a beer.