Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Friday May 25th 2012 - Camp Day

Friday May 25th 2012
·      Camp day.  Catch –up and take a breath.
·      Hopped up to Home depot and picked up a few bits. For the trailer (shower glass wiper, spare hose etc.). 
·      Down to the pool to swim and bask in the 85-90 degree weather. Such a beautiful day. 
·      Walked around the camp again to see all the motorbikes that are here for the Memorial Day run.
·      Steak on the BBQ - US corn fed tenderloin …. With baked potato and fried onions. Fabulous meal… cooked to perfection by the new master chef of the household.
·      Chatted with Grant on Skype… lovely. 
·      Another walk round campground then lit a fire and had a beer.

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