Sunday, February 23, 2014


Following this post will be some updates of a more regular kind, including photos and travel descriptions. But first I think it appropriate to explain my absence from the blogging world for the last 2 months.

Unbeknownst to me, life had some stuff in store for us over the Christmas holidays that we least expected. As a result the blog became stuffed into the back crevices of my mind and focus switched abruptly to dealing with life ‘writ large’.

It all started happily enough and truly, until New Years Eve, all was ticking along merrily. We left South Carolina, on Dec 10th excited about spending a month in Niagara on the Lake and then continuing our journey on Jan 11. The plan then was to take our time time getting to Texas, travelling through Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, stopping to explore various cities and sites along the way. The upshot is we left Niagara on the Lake on Feb 3rd, raced down to pick up the rig in South Carolina on Feb 4th and then had a marathon drive through South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas, with short stops for quick sleeps and one 2 hour stop to visit an interpretive centre on the Montgomery-Selma Freedom highway.  I will now explain the reasons.

On Dec 31, while Derek was planning to go and pick up some new specs, I thought I would walk into the village of Niagara on the Lake for a bit of retail therapy (as if Christmas hadn’t been enough!!). As I walked along, a piece of ice, unseen through a light covering of snow, caused me to accomplish an unplanned Olympic-style double back flip, but I didn’t quite stick the landing.  Instinctively I furtively looked around for unwanted witnesses. Phew, not a soul in sight.  I am unsure to this day how I managed to stand up and 'try' to sweep myself of snow., when I realized that my arm was not co-operating, and my mouth was twisted in an agonized yelp… a quick stagger home to our rented cottage and a painful, but swift drive to the hospital (thank goodness Derek hadn’t left the cottage yet!). The upshot was a break in both the ulna and radius near the wrist, which were displaced, so they knocked me out and re-aligned the bones. … OUCH!! Cast from fingers to elbow. Travel plans in danger… I was not a happy camper to say the least. Especially as Santa had bought me new golf clubs!!!!

Life was not finished with me yet however. A few days later, a call came in from my doctor. Some routine skin tests that I had not been in the least concerned about, and which I thought frankly to be unnecessary at the time had revealed that I was now going to have to deal with a malignant melanoma on my neck. Sometimes things actually do happen to you that you think only happen to others, and quite frankly it sucks!!

It is amazing how, and I know many of you will have already have experienced this, one’s philosophy on life changes when cancer decides to take ride on your body. I am fortunate. This malignancy had not spread, as far as they could tell, and local surgery later that same week appears to have removed it all.

It is only recently, and since arriving in Texas, that I have fully digested what happened and, quite frankly it is scary. I would like to take a moment to encourage all of you reading this to go to your doctor if you have any marks on your skin that are new, or changed in any way, don’t hesitate. While many skin cancers do not spread readily, malignant melanoma is the worst kind, and is very aggressive.  It spreads easily and quickly. So please take my advice… don’t delay!!!!

Now back to the arm… one of the unfortunate realities is that, along with such a bad break, one has to deal with damaged and torn ligaments in the hand and wrist, so driving is out of the question. I am now over six weeks in and the pain is still impressive, but far improved. After 4 weeks in the cast we explained to the surgeon that we were hoping to get back to our ‘condo’ in South Carolina, so he agreed to remove the cast early and put a removable splint on instead. And so it remains… slowly healing. I feel so very lucky, and indeed I am. Poor Derek has had to cope with me - a caged type-A personality, while he is driving, cooking, dressing me and dealing with my mood swings (well .. he is used to that part, I guess!!!).

So the Christmas holidays were quite an eventful time. The wonderful part was staying in a fabulous cottage in Niagara on the Lake and spending lots of time with two of our boys. We also had the opportunity to see many friends and are so grateful for all the support we received during some of the tougher moments. We did in fact have an extremely joyous time in so many ways.

I am going to start on the blog again now, and will compose some updates, which will describe our travels, with a few photos, from when we left South Carolina on Dec 10th until we arrived here in Texas on Feb 6th. So check back over the next couple of days and you will see some postings dated earlier than this one... but they will be new posts. In the meantime stay in touch everyone. 

“start today, use what you have, do what you can”.

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