Saturday, March 1, 2014

Sat Mar 1 Visitors arrive and Olympics

Sat Mar 1  Visitors arrive and Olympics
Silver Medal in the Making
The back wheels are multi-directional - tough!
Posing with the Gold Medal
"Okay Left, NO right, NOOO left, oh S--T"
Our visitors (Tiina, Mychael and Breila) arrived on Saturday just after noon and they were very tired after a long day traveling. A beautiful day here in Texas, sunny and warm. It happened to be the day for the Hacienda RV park Olympics and Lasagna dinner, so while our friends rested and took a quick trip to a local store, Derek and Janice entered the Olympics ... 4 events .. golf cart (with the driver blindfold), pin the tail on the 'cat', a weird little bike course and beanbag toss). Now you may think that the golf cart thing sounds scary.... it is!!! The driver has to maneuver the golf-cart through a bunch of orange cones, receiving verbal instructions from the passenger. It was hilarious to watch... people screaming at each other ... "Left!!!  I said LEFT!!!!" etc. One couple drove right into a bunch of (empty) chairs and into a tree.. one husband jumped out of the cart waving his arms in defeat leaving his confused blindfolded wife in the drivers seat heading for a field. Derek and I did very well both times (we took turns at driving and just missed the medals)... HOWEVER... it was a Canadian sweep in the 'Pin the Tail on the donkey' (which was actually 'stick a star on the cat's nose'). Derek and Janice stole the podium winning gold and silver medals respectively. What a proud moment!! Derek was ace at the little bike thingy, but Janice couldn't do that one (arm too fragile)... and we were pretty rubbish in the beanbag toss. After the games were officially closed and the flame extinguished, we enjoyed a fabulous homemade lasagna dinner... each serving was enough for 3 people, but we were hungry after the exertion of Olympic stick-the-star-on-the-cat's-nose. Much music and dancing after the medal ceremony. All in all,  a fun day. Tiina popped by during the music, but they were all heading for an early night after their long day.  

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