Saturday, November 30, 2013

Sat Nov 30 - 1 YEAR TODAY - Coligny Beach

It is exactly one year since we started our journey and, looking, back we have been to so many places and seen so many things that we need our blog to help us remember them all. From Nashville to Memphis to Texas to Western Caribbean to  UK and Europe to the Grand Canyon, to Yellowstone to all points west through to Vancouver wedding, through the Rockies with friends and across Canada back to Milton. What an amazing year!  As we enjoy the last week or so here in South Carolina, we often chat about the 'What now?' scenario and we always end up with 'let's just keep going for a while and see what happens!' Regardless of when and where we settle down again, we are both 100% glad that we embarked on this magical mystery tour and we plan on continuing to enjoy it for a while.
So back to the blog....
Ready to head to the beach
Oh yes... this is the way to bike!!
Saturday morning we couldn't decide what to do and were quite at a loss. So after a morning latte and light lunch we packed the bikes onto the bike rack and took off to explore Coligny Beach. It was far better than we had imagined. The beach access area has a large shopping plaza (which we looked at from the outside only) .. there are big wooden swings, change areas and free public showers (beautifully clean) ... but the best part was the beach.... very wide and 12 miles long. We took our bikes down by the water and biked along the beach heading south. It was fabulous... the crowds were only gathered at the access point and the rest of the ride was free and easy... loved it. After our ride (we did 15km) we went to a coffee shop in the beach area and enjoyed some festive style coffees before heading back to the rig before dark .... 
Happiness in a helmet!!
We poured ourselves a glass of Champagne and Kirsch and walked to the harbour in the RV resort and sat watching the sunset as we toasted a great year on the road!!

It is truly the best way to see the beach!!!

And back we go!!

Shower stalls on the beachfront area

Tried hard NOT to feed them!!!

Guy in Parking lot towed on his skateboard by his remote control buggy!!

Celebrating 1 year on the road... cheers!!

Untouched.... Love the sunsets!!

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