Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sun Dec 1st - Boone Hall Plantation

Sun Dec 1st - Boone Hall Plantation
We have delayed going to Boone Hall until today, as it is the first day of the Christmas season for the Hall, and it was supposed to be decorated for the season. Unfortunately they were not yet finished... but it really didn't matter as the place itself is worth the visit regardless of the season.
Avenue of the Oaks - Boone Hall Plantation
Boone Hal Plantation House
Pecan Trees - dormant for the winter
Cute way to display bluejeans!!!
More oaks
Slave Quarters - 'Slave Street'
The most amazing part of this Plantation is the entrance driveway to the plantation called 'The Avenue of The Oaks".  The oak trees (evergreen 'live oaks') on either side creating an arbor across the road that are made even more beautiful by the spanish moss hanging from the boughs. That sight alone is worth the price of admission. Quite astonishing and ethereal Some of the trees are over three hundred years old (so they say). We had a busy day at the plantation. First we went on a wagon ride around the property (it is still a working plantation, but no longer grows cotton), we then went on a tour of the plantation house (Boone Hall) where we learned of the history and various owners over the years. This was followed by a Gullah presentation outside one of the old slave homes still standing on the plantation. The Gullah language and culture is a mix of English, African and French and is still a thriving language/culture in the area. Afterwards we spent some time going through the various buildings still standing, which were occupied right up to the 1940's or so (some slave families stayed after they were freed in 1865 and some were occupied by tenant farmers for a while) Each of the old slave homes now contain information about the history of the slaves and their lives in South Carolina with photos, movies and stories in each building. While we felt some of the information was a little 'sugar-coated', we do give them credit for preserving the history and providing some fascinating information. After a delicious ice-cream we took in a small 'history' presentation, which was marred by the sudden attack of gnats and the fact that the person presenting really did not do a very good job (terrible actually.. but fortunately very short!!!).
Having fun at Boone Plantation
Heading out after a long but fabulous day, we drove to the Crazy Crab restaurant on Hilton Head Island and enjoyed some more great seafood from the area (Crab dip, Crab-cakes, flounder, mahi-mahi, shrimp, lobster)  ... YUM!!!  Couldn't eat it all so packed it up for lunch tomorrow! GREAT DAY!!

Self Portrait  tradition

Boone Hall - Main house

Still would like to know what this tree is. Bark pale, wood red!!

Waiting for the tour of the house

Gullah culture presentation

Record of slave ships.. shows # of slaves loaded and number arrived alive!!

Slave Quarters

Share croppers (post slavery)

Ready to leave.. last look at the oaks - great day

Spanish moss fascinates Janice

So eerie looking!!!

And this is what it was all about.... COTTON!!

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