Friday, November 29, 2013

Thurs/Fri Nov 28/29 -US Thanksgiving and Black Friday

Thurs/Fri Nov 28/29 -US Thanksgiving and Black Friday 
A sunny beautiful day for Thanksgiving, though a bit chilly.
Note to self.... do NOT experiment with cooking when preparing something for a pot-luck!!! 
A typical road in the RV Park
View of the swings at RV Park over the bay
The brownies.. while tasty, turned out to be a bit of a disaster, in that they were a big tray of chocolatey mush. Even after trying to re-cook them for 45 minutes they were no better and only with great effort did we we manage to get some of the outer edges formed into squares and plonked on a plate to take to the RV resort Thanksgiving pot-luck lunch. We quickly and furtively put them with the rest of the offerings and moved sprightly away. Fortunately there was a huge amount of food and desserts for all to enjoy and we both had a great time mingling with the 60-70 people who crowded into the lounge. The Turkey was absolutely delicious and were able to taste several types of stuffing (called dressing here) including one with oysters in. We also tried grits and several dishes that we have no idea what they were... a jolly celebration, and day for Derek and I to be very thankful for such an eventful and adventurous year on the road. This week a year ago, the movers came in and moved our furniture into storage and we spent Wednesday with our friend Kathy cleaning the house out. We slept in the 'condo' on wheels in the driveway of our empty house on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights.
So much has happened this year (just looking back on the blog, we realize how lucky we are in so many ways.)
On Black Friday we were persuaded by horrific reports of crowds, to avoid the stores at all costs, bargains notwithstanding!!!  Instead, we spent some money on us, by heading to the Skull Creek Oyster restaurant and enjoyed a lovely fish lunch (Cod).
View from RV Park
One of the RV's in the park  decorated for Xmas
In the afternoon we actually got into the mounting Christmas spirit by writing our annual 'Taylor Tales' and Christmas cards for our international friends and family. We even got the cards to the post office before closing and got them mailed... yippee!! In the evening we walked around the RV resort to admire the Christmas decorations that have sprung up literally overnight around many of the rigs. We were admiring one particularly festive display when the owners of the rig saw us and invited us to join them at their patio table and we whiled away an hour surrounded by Christmas lights and decorations sharing stories of life on and off the road. 
Getting back to our 'condo' we finally enjoyed the chilled shrimp and seafood sauce and watched the hockey game, a sad but not disastrous overtime loss! At least they get a single point.  

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