Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday Sept 23rd - Friends, and getting ready to move.

Monday Sept 23rd – friends, laundry and packing

Hugs are always welcome!!
Is he cute or what??
Image of her Dad and Mom) - SO adorable!
Today we tidied and sorted the condo a little and put some laundry in before Luka, Dean and Eliza arrived to share some coffee and treats with us and see our condo. We had a lovely visit and I think they were surprised at how  un-cramped and comfortable the ‘condo’ is.  We parted with promises to keep in touch. I wanted to kidnap Eliza, but she seemed to be so attached to Luka and Dean, that I let the thought pass!  We spent the rest of the day tidying and doing laundry getting ready for a LONG drive tomorrow.  hopefully make it as far as Swift Current Saskatchewan… we’ll see how it goes.  We chatted with Derek and Lin on Skype, to see how their journey home was and also to my sister Sue in UK and her husband John to  catch up with them. Derek picked up supplies while Janice updated the blog. We are hoping to get to Ontario without needing to do any major shopping.. just quick overnight stops on the way.  Although the days are still quite warm, there is a real nip in the air in the late afternoon and it is getting quite cold at night.  We may be getting the electric blanket out.   Janice’s  feels somewhat improved today… thank goodness. Still stuffed up, but not nearly so drained. 
Site 61- Bow Riversedge RV Park

Derek in his RAVEN LUNATIC t-shirt

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