Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sun Sept 22 - Farewells and hellos - Calgary, Alberta

It was time to say goodbye to our dear friends. What a great time we had with them and how lucky we are to have had their company this last couple of weeks on our journey. We spent much of the day sorting and packing. Derek and Derek and Lin went out for a bit of shopping while Janice nursed a full-blown cold. Feeling quite ill today. Undaunted we relaxed outside in the sun and chatted until it was time to leave for the airport. After we dropped them off (with a few sobs) we went to the house of an old University of Guelph friend of Janice’s, who we have kept in touch with over the years. Luka and her lovely husband Dean and their absolutely beautiful 8 year old daughter Eliza made us feel so welcome and we caught up on each others lives and were treated to a fabulous home cooked meal, served meticulously by Eliza. We swapped tales of jobs, travels etc and Janice was able to forget for a few hours how yukky she felt with the cold. What a great evening. When we got back to the ‘condo’ we felt a bit sad not to see Derek-2 and Lin there, but happy that we had such a great time with them for the last two weeks, and also happy to have had a lovely welcome from Luka and family. 
Forgot to take photos today.

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