Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tuesday Sept 24th – Cochrane, Alberta to Swift Current Saskatchewan

Tuesday Sept 24th – Cochrane, Alberta to Swift Current Saskatchewan

Alberta can be flat
After a disturbed cough-filled night we were up a little later than planned and finally under way about 10am. The drive along Hwy 1 was uneventful, but quite interesting. We saw a camel in a field in Saskatchewan… honestly!!! It was there amongst some cows… The conversation went like this:

South Saskatchewan River
Janice: Hey wait a sec is that a….

Derek: CAMEL!!!!

Janice and Derek…. HUH???!!!!???

Where is the camera when you need it most?

ANOTHER PROVINCE on our journey
Yes definitely Saskatchewan
Anyway... after a couple of pit stops to switch drivers, we ate lunch en-route and arrived at Trail RV Park in Swift Current, lured there by their website that said they had wifi, even more boosted when the person at check in gave us the password and told us that they had increased the signal strength throughout the park…. We happily set up and had supper before settling down to update blog and catch up on emails….. NOT!!! No internet…. A teasing network shows up… but no strength… And no one around to throttle… ah well.. such is life on the road.  Turns out the electric supply is a bit 'dicky' too.. thankful for the surge protector. An early night will do us good anyway…. Looking forward to catching up with another long-time friend  tomorrow in Grenfell Saskatchewan… gotta be 20+ years… and none of us will have changed!!!!! Even a bit!!!! This is such a big plus in our adventure – catching up with friends, many we have not seen in years.  In case anyone out there is wondering… we are still having a blast and happy and grateful to be able to take this amazing journey. Stay tuned. 

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