Saturday, August 3, 2013

Tuesday July 22nd to Sat Aug 3rd 2013 - Aldergrove to Burnaby

Tuesday July 22th  to Saturday July 27th
The rest if this week was spent recuperating from the accident and cleaning the rig. We enjoyed meeting some people around the resort and spent  lovely evening with a group of Sikh men who invited us over for some ‘hot stuff’ and conversation… great evening. They brought out some roti and spicy dip and chicken etc ….  Very nice guys. We also took the opportunity to do some ‘wedding’ shopping and planning and organizing a ‘cyber’ shower for the happy couple. On Friday we went to some friends in White Rock for dinner and they gave us a quick tour of the area. Beautiful! Lovely dinner and it was great catching up with friends from Derek’s work. We will hopefully have them over for dinner when we move to Burnaby.
On Saturday we packed up and moved to Burnaby-Cariboo RV resort (site 34) and were set up around noon, so time to walk to Lougheed Mall to scout around. Decided to get the stitches out off Janice’s  forehead so after a mad dash by taxi back to the RV, pick up the truck, and get to an after hours medical clinic… finally got the stitches removed and Janice feels much much better… just a bit of concealer and nobody will notice the scar.

Sunday July 28th – Saturday Aug 3rd
Okay.. you go first Derek
This week we spent some time heading down to Vancouver on the Sky-train to visit good friends Dave and Mark, who made us more than welcome, despite some personal challenges they are facing.  Also saw another good friend Mich who came to the ‘rig’ for lunch. Had a lovely visit and promised to see each other again before we leave.  Also went on a 12km walk around Burnaby Lake and picked (and ate) wild blackberries all the way round… Lovely.!! We had hoped to spend a short time with Evan and Kyle this week, but it was not to be. Quite disappointing, but he is so very busy and stressed, getting ready for the big day, which is the reason why we are here, we are excited ourselves to see our oldest child wed… and to someone we love too!!  How lucky we are.
Blackberries everywhere
We did manage to get a metal storage box for the bed of the truck and we did some more ‘wedding prep’ shopping and some preparation for having visitors in the trailer (first will be Braden and Grant next week and then Derek and Lin in early September).
Janice still suffering some pretty bothersome concussion symptoms, but happy that she is in one piece and on the mend. On Saturday night Dave and Mark invited us to join them to see a Pride week play (Eleanor Rigby, The Untold Story) … it was musical presentation, with dancing and a narrator and was excellent… totally enjoyed it. We took the Skytrain back to the RV park and were both rather desperate for a loo, when we were stopped in our tracks by a huge black bear standing right by our rig…. Not sure who was more shocked, us or the bear. It was a staring match for a few seconds, but yogi decided to just lumber into the woods behind our trailer and we took a nosedive inside, fighting each other to be first for the loo!!! (Janice says it was a close call when she saw the bear!!!!!)
The best ones were always up high

Lovely trees en route

Turtle hanging out in the sun

Got all our ducks in a row
White Pigeon

At the RV site with and ice cream treat
Time to relax on the roof after the walk

Gazebo in front of our RV site

Site 34 Burnaby-Cariboo RV resort.

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