Friday, August 9, 2013

Sun Aug 4th to Friday Aug 9th 2013.. pre-wedding week!

Sunday Aug 4th – Friday Aug 9th
What a busy and fun week. We raced around getting organized on Monday and looked forward to spending the day on Tuesday with Evan and Kyle, but… their timetable got delayed and we didn’t actually get to see them until 8pm however it was so good to see them before the big day.
Wednesday was such a big day…. And a great day. We got to pick our lovely boys Braden and Grant up at the airport and take them back to the trailer and crack open some bubbly in celebration.
In the evening we headed to Evan and Kyle’s for a lovely BBQ and salads and after visiting and chatting we all got a production line going wrapping ribbons and attaching cards to about 100 small jars of homemade strawberry/peppercorn mint jam (Mint from our garden and Kyles Mum’s garden). They are to be given to guests at the wedding reception. 
 Some photos from the BBQ evening:

WoooHoooo!!!! We did it!!!!

Time to celebrate a job well done

On Thursday, the boys attended the rehearsal at the church and Derek and Janice went downtown to pick up a shirt for Evan, which took quite a long, time…. traffic in Vancouver is incredible, especially with a 2500 HD diesel truck! We then met everyone at the rehearsal get-together at a local pub/restaurant on Commercial Drive. We got to meet Kyle’s family (His birth Mom and her partner, his sister and her partner), and had some time to chat with their ‘best people’ (Gaylords), and also with Janice’s brother and his wife and her daughter. It was a great night and we totally enjoyed meeting more of Kyles family.
Friday was spent doing some more final errands and a quick drive with B and G around Stanley Park. We had a lovely steak dinner and then opted for a reasonably early night after making sure we all had our clothes organized for the big day tomorrow.

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