Monday, July 22, 2013

Friday Juky 19-Mon Jul 22nd - Victoria, bike mis-hap and helmets

Friday July 19-Mon July 22nd - Victoria, bike mis-hap and helmets
Blue... taking a nap
Chico - Hello there handsome!!

We headed to the Ferry in time for the 10am and ended up getting the 9am ferry to Swartz Bay near Victoia on Vancouvef island. We headed straight to see Janice's brother Paul and his lovely partner Guellee. We were made so welcome, and after a lovely visit we headed to our B and B close by (Cottage Pirouette).  We then headed to the Rockland area of Victoria to catch up with long-time friends Norm and Sue who were our first close Canadian friends, when we first arrived in Toronto from UK in 1973. Of course none of us have changed a bit!!! And we had a great evening catching up on all the years since they moved to BC and also spending time with thir lovely girls and grandchildren... what a great evening.

Do I hafta get up??
Outside the Empress Hotel... minutes before the accident 
Great to catch up/ Paul,  Guellee, Chico, Pablo and Blue
Saturday morning, we planned on a 20+ km ride before heading back to Paul and Guellee's for dinner. Only a few km into our ride Janice was following close behind Derek as they wove through the streets of Victoria along the waterfront, when a woman, standing on the side of the road announced 'free donuts', which created a chain reaction.. Derek braked, Janice did not.... so she crashed into him and ended up knocking herself out in the middle of the road. Medically trained bystanders were great and refused to allow her to move until ambulance arrived and the paramedics took over.  The rest of the day was spent in hospital having stitches, scans etc. A bit sore but not beaten, (as the Elvis song goes she was "All Shook Up!!!) Guellee kindly picked us up,  recovered our bikes, took us back to change, and we headed over to their place for a delicious feast of oysters, scallops, bacon wrapped pineapple, garlic/lemon shrimp and wonderful conversation. They have three of the cutest dogs ever... Chihuahuas: Pablo, Chico and Blue!! Absolutely adorable.
Pikaboo - Pablo!!
Posing - Blue
Great Garden
Sunday morning ... a  goodbye coffee at Paul and Guellee's and we took the Ferry back to Vancouver,  heading straight to the Society Restaurant in Yaletown, to meet three old workmates of Janice's (Bev and Kathy from Vancouver and Tiina from Ontario,  who was visiting Bev. It was a surprise dinner for Tiina to celebrate her retirement and birthday... great fun. A friend of Bev's (Bonnie) also came and she had made an amazing chocolate cake which we enjoyed back at Bev's condo after dinner.  After saying goodbye we drove  back to Aldergrove where Janice was most happy to see her bed. 
Feeding Frenzy!!
Monday her face was swelled up and discoloured, her body ached from head to toe, so she spent the day resting while Derek took great care of her. 
Still feel very lucky to be in one piece and hopefully with enough time to heal up before the wedding. 

On the Deck

Happy times - Newly stitched head! Before it went black!

Janice wanted to steal one!!

Do you think they would notice if I took this one Chico and Janice

Or this one?? Pablo and Derek

Who's there?????? - The whole crew!! Blue is the Dad.. Chico and Pablo are littermates

Time for a nap!
AWWW   ... Pablo

Paul with both hands full
Saying goodbye!!

Docking at Tsawwassen Terminal, Vancouver

Mount Baker looking ethereal!!

Janice, Kathy, Bonnie, Bev, Tiina Derek (Janice trying to hide her stitches with her hat)

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