Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday Feb 6th 2013 - Galveston in the rain

Wed Feb 6th 2013

Our route - A to F - DONE... next stages F to J Mar - Aug (with 6wks in UK Apr/May)

What a fabulous day. Woke up to rain and wind … lots of both. After brekky we headed out (troopers that we are) and drove to the far end of the island. We were amazed at the variety of buildings, and the way they are built in case of flood or hurricane. Now, the question is this… in a hurricane one would think to hunker down in the basement, but in a flood one would think to climb to the top floor and wait it out. What do we do in a hurricane with flooding????? Just asking!!!!!
Anyway… below are number of very interesting homes we saw along the way today. We had lunch at Nates Seafood in Jamaica Beach and had Gumbo… (Shrimp, sausage and chicken in a deep brown broth … fabulous!!) Stopped at ‘Wallymart’ on the way back to the ‘condo’ and bought some supplies for the cruise on Saturday. We won’t have internet on the cruise (just because it costs too much and takes up valuable cruise time) … so we will not be updating the blog from Friday 8th until we return on the 16th. We are on the Crown Princess out of Galveston and stopping in Roatan Honduras, Belize and Cozumel. Really looking forward to the break (that was a joke by the way)!!! 
Glad to get back to the 'condo' and have baked chicken dinner with Kale and Sweet Potato.... healthy and yummy!! Evening updating blog and catching up on email etc. 
THE FOLLOWING ARE HOMES WE SAW ALONG THE WAY TODAY... 95% are built on stilts with solid support from their garage if they have one. Some very funky looking homes.


By the way... people here really do say "hi y'all" as you pass them on the street with a smile. Just saying... it sounds kinda normal!!!

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