Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday Feb 7th.. Beach walk and packing

Thursday Feb 7th 2013 
Sunrise out of the trailer window 7am

Peeking out my bedroom window at 6:45am

After a very stormy, windy night we woke up to an amazing sunrise at 7am and were walking the beach at 7:30, combing for shells and just enjoying a beautiful sunny morning. We walked for a long way and then decided to have breakfast at MacDonalds... because we can!!!! Sat outside under the palm trees and and tried hard to ignore all the birds that hovered around staring at us, pleading for crumbs.  We went back to the 'condo' and sat outside in the sun and read for a while and watched the world go by. It clouded over a little and we started sorting out what we need to clean and pack for the cruise on Saturday. Will I EVER be capable of travelling light??? I think not. I just NEED everything  with me... just in case!!!! (my case!!!!!) Derek BBQ'd and amazing pork tenderloin for dinner. MMMMMM! good!! After dinner we hung out with a few people at the RV resort who are down here for Mardi-Gras, then sat up by the pool area where a gas fire-pit was lit. Had a couple of beers with someone else from the resort. Great day.

Cup of tea as we walk the beach

Stuff on the beach
In my Mardi Gras T-shirt

Awwww.... Happy shadows on the sand

Another strange thing on the beach

Man-o-war (According to a Facebook friend) Glad we didn't touch it!!!!

Breakfast at MacDonalds on the beach
Love my Camera!!

Crumbs..... PLEASE!!!!


Shell collection from our walk

Mid morning out of the back of the 'condo'

The side view

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