Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Tuesday Feb 5th 2013 - Galveston by bike

Tuesday Feb 5th 2013

Woke to dense sea-fog. The sun tried all morning to burn through it. We spent most of the day on our bikes and I forgot my camera, so no photos today. We went to The Academy store (sports and recreation) bought some sunglasses, swimsuit and T’s. Short break at the ‘condo’ for lunch and back on our bikes for a tootle in town. Stopped at a Mexican restaurant (Gorditas) for a bite to eat for dinner and.  Not a great spot, actually very disappointing… we miss Las Pinas already!!!! Rode back to the ‘condo’ using our new bike lights!!! We only rode about 25km on the bikes today, but it was fun exploring the town. It is full of lovely old buildings. We explored the port area as well as the sea front on the other side. 
It is a sea-side paradise here, and we can imagine that in season it is fairly buzzing. This week though it is empty, which is great for getting around, but lacking in some of the atmosphere. It is Mardi Gras week and apparently there is not a space to be had this weekend. Unfortunately we will miss the big parties on Saturday as we will be onboard ship sailing toward Roatan... hmmmm!!!??!!

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