Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21 2012 - ON THE ROAD AGAIN

Monday May 21st  2012
Well here we go again… we left at noon today with heavy hearts after saying our final goodbyes to our dear friend Dave over the weekend.  RIP dear friend.
It was a delayed start as we locked ourselves out of the truck with both sets of keys in (as you do!!!) OnStar couldn’t unlock remotely so they sent a locksmith. As it was late, we decided to head straight down toward Washington and get as far as possible instead of detouring to Camping World
At the border we were asked if we had any fruit or veggies etc etc …. “no”….  “okay.. can you open up the trailer for me?”   OH DEAR!! What a nice man…. He saw my Shepherds Pie, home-made soup, Sausages, Salad stuff, Broccoli chicken breast, chicken burgers, champagne, beer, fruit juice, cream cheese, cheddar, bread,  margarine, …. And he picked up an orange pepper, examined and declared that although it was grown in Canada he was going to keep it and prevent it getting in to the US.  
Pepperless, we giggled our way South and East through New York State
In our bliss of being on the open road, we missed a turn  and added a further half hour (at least) to our journey on pretty slow roads. Ever cheerful we plodded on.
·      Williamsport South KOA is GREAT
·      Sparkling Merlot is NOT.
·    In one town we passed a garage with a sign “We fix deer hits” (Sign of the day) …. 2km later a huge deer pranced out in front of the truck… we just missed it…… Coincidence?? ….. We think not!!!!!!!!! The imagination runs wild!!
·    Another sign… “Firewood…. All you can carry in one arm $5” … and a little further down the road… “$4 an armful” … Like .. is this not discriminatory??? I have short arms …. 5”4” me … vs a 6”6” guy…. Just not fair!!!  Also… how far do you have to carry it to qualify for the price break???
·    Several gunshots  after we set up camp had us thinking…. OKAY!!!!   Welcome to the USA.
·   The scenery through Northern Pennsylvania is awesome.  Deep wide valleys, forested slopes.
·   We didn’t bother unhitching the truck so tomorrow we can just close up and take off…. Early night … long day.    


  1. Clearly, your orange pepper was a threat to U.S. National Security. I shall sleep soundly tonight, knowing that your evil plot to menace the American government with fresh produce was foiled. My future mother-in-law is safe and all is well in the world today. ;-)

    1. They missed what I hid in the cucumber!!!! ONLY JOKING!!! (just in case they are reading my blog)!!!!!! LOL
