Tuesday, May 22, 2012

May 22nd 2012 Williamsport to Washington 363km

Tuesday May 22nd 2012
  • Leisurely morning getting packed up and left Williamsport South KOA oat 10am and gassed up before heading out toward Harrisburg PA where we thought there was a Camping World Super store…. WRONG!!! Disappointed we switched drivers and headed to Washington….
    • Deciding to take the ‘ scenic route ‘ as we had extra time. Bad decision…. We are realizing that the interstates are actually more picturesque, a lot faster and easier on the nerves than the smaller highways.
      ·      However we continued to laugh at our learning and Janice maneuvered our land-ship through busy late afternoon traffic to Cherry Hill Park like a pro!!!!
      ·      Now for the sign of the day… we have chosen two ’cos they are so complementary…
      a)    “$1.50 BEER ALL DAY”     and a little further down the road…………..
      b)    “BEWARE OF AGGRESSIVE DRIVERS”         ……. DUH!!!!!!!!

      ·      And another sign that has honourable mention “ KEEP ALERT AND WATCH FOR DUI DRIVERS”   (Note that all these signs are real)
      ·      A point to  mention is that the drive along the Susquehanna River is so very beautiful… open roads and fabulous views… North America is a fabulous continent.
      ·      Cherry Hill Campground is all that we remember form 16 years ago. plus some. Bus stop at site connects to subway. Pool, restaurant, hot tub, store, great campsites, clean showers etc etc… HIGHLY recommended for anyone wishing to see Washington on a budget, without compromising comfort.
      ·      We set up, unhitched and were proud of how fast we had accomplished all this …. Then we checked for level… and were at a tilt that would leave us in danger of slipping off the end of the bed in the middle of the night … so we had to re-hitch and level off…. Lesson learned (we hope).
      YEY..... It's level..... happy times!!
      ·      Had  Shepherds’ pie and then met some lovely people in the camp (Reggie [Regina] and Marty) from Jupiter, Florida… chatted with them about travels, families, RVs etc… We have discovered that doing this traveling thing results in meeting so many like-minded late-in-life explorers who share our love for family and each other.  This is an unexpected and rewarding aspect of this life style. It has made us more positive about the future when we plan more extended and extensive travel.
      Note the lovely gas tank holding down the table cloth!!

      MMMMM!!!  Shepherds' Pie and red wine!!!!!
      We still love our rig so much!!

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