Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 23rd Washington Exploring

  • Got up to find a somewhat sunny morning where we had expected rain and thunder. 
  • We got into DC quite easily with a bus and subway. 

  • We quickly got to the line for the holocaust museum and just got a ticket for the 4pm entrance. We immediately went to Daniels story and the current propaganda exhibit. We joined the throngs of 11 year olds who where very noisy and actually helped us realise that we are not school kids anymore.
  • Then we went off to the American History museum to catch up on the American war involvements (more  propaganda!!) but we did bone up on the civil war and prepped ourselves for the trip to Gettysburg at the weekend. 
  • Had a $5 !!!! hot dog outside the Smithsonian American History Museum...after all we are in the excited states!


  • Then got back to holocaust for entry at at 3.45.It did not disappoint. Exhibits are well presented with the build up of the history and then dropping you into the horror of Nazi regime and the maniac Hitler. Stories are compelling, emotional and life changing. No photos allowed.
  • Spoke with a security guy who has worked at this museum a year and he says it's taking it's toll, even though it's a well paid job, he is feeling the emotion about being that close each working day. 
  •  Easy ride back to camp...feel like we mastered the DC transit system like pro's.
  • Sausage pasta, blog and early night.... in retrospect the most stressful part if the day was dealing with hundreds and hundreds of kids on school trips..... ARGGHHH!!! They are SO loud!!!!! 
  • Much to our shame we have both forgotten the sign of the day... we saw it from the bus.... IF we remember I will post it later..... sorry sign lovers!!!!

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