Sunday, May 20, 2012

May 11-20 2012 - ON HOLD

May 11-20 2012- On Hold
A moment comes in life when you just know you are in the right place at the wrong time. Personal circumstances deeply affecting a dear, and long-time friends and their family, left us yesterday evening facing a decision of whether to continue our journey South or head North and home, to be with our friends as they face their troubles. As we lay in bed last night we both knew what we were going to do. We chose to head North (it wasn't a tough decision). After an uneventful 1100 km marathon drive we arrived home at 11pm and collapsed into bed.  Our journey is not over, merely suspended for a while.
The day after we got home we went to see our friends and a few hours after our visit our dear friend Dave passed away. We made the right decision to come home.
The following week we said our final goodbyes to Dave. At the urging of Diane, (the love of Dave's life), we decided to continue our journey for a while. It was a difficult decision as we felt we were deserting her when she needed us most, but she insisted that she had plenty of support and that Dave would have wanted us to continue our journey. And so we decided to head back on the road a few days later. Rest in peace dear Dave.

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