Thursday, April 10, 2014

Wed April 9 - Thur April 10 - recouperating

Wed April 9 - Thur April 10 - recuperation
In the cold light of day we are quite disappointed in the RV Park we have chosen for our 3 week stay here in Niagara Falls. It is a bit run down and not ready for the season. No washrooms or showers or laundry open yet and the section we are in is only partially open. The people running the place appeared friendly enough on check-in however, and the internet is okay (though it may not be so good if and when more people are using it... time will tell). The park is broken into a couple of sections. One section appears to be year-round trailer living area. Well we will make the best of things and look for somewhere else for when we return to the area in June. 
Janice spent the two days resting, recuperating and trying to find the right pharmaceutical mix to ease her symptoms, while Derek set up, shopped and took care of Janice!! Looking forward to spending some time with Braden and Grant soon.

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