Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tues Mar 18 - Thur Mar 20, Goodbyes and chilling

Tues Mar 18 - Goodbyes and Guitar

Goodbyes are often sad and this was no exception. We have had a great week with friends Tina and Al, and although they had to go back to family and friends at home in Ontario, we are left with some great memories of a fabulous, no stress, easy-going week. Lots of laughs and a chance for Derek and I to see some of this areas great sights, some for the first time and others for a very welcome re-visit. After they left, for their long journey home, we sorted a few things out and caught up on a bit of tidying etc. Derek went and jammed with a couple of guys for a few hours and Janice relaxed and read her book. 
Wednesday and Thur Mar 19/20 - Catch up and Street party
Street Party on 'Shiner-Bock Way'

Chickens getting ready for chickenshit bingo
Derek shooting the s--t (bingo in the background)
Derek started work on the rig cleaning the roof and Janice started work on the blog and uploading photos etc. At 5pm we headed over to the Street Party in a row in the RV Resort affectionately known as 'Shiner Bock Way' ... The street party is an annual event here which serves as both a fun party day, and as a way for the 'Winter Texans' to have a 'knees-up' before heading back to their home states and provinces.

This chicken must be full of it!!
Yum...!! (and the food is good too!!)
Some folk are heading back as early as tomorrow. The food was good ol' Texas style sausages, dogs and 'brats' with beans, chili, sauerkraut and desserts,  a band playing country / rock-a-billy and dancing in the street. A good time for sure.
Yeee haaa Y'all!!
One of the weird things around here is Chickenshit bingo!! A chicken (or two) are put in the bingo cage and folks bet on the numbers (pay money and draw the numbers out of a hat) Then everyone waits and watches for the chicken to 'shit' on a number ... literally!!! And the pot goes to whoever has that number.  It is a riot. These chickens were extremely tame and happy, so no cruelty issues... Just good fun and a great deal of laughter. The s--t is cleaned up and another round with a different chicken (or chick) starts again.
One relaxed chicken - being spoiled!
After the party  Derek and I sat by our fire outside and reminisced about our visits with friends and made some plans for the remainder of our stay here. This week we are relaxing and catching up on blogs, cleaning, laundry etc and enjoy some of the warm weather. So Thursday was spent doing just that... more rig-cleaning, blogging, laundry etc etc and catching up on phone calls/skypes to family.
Still eating left overs and loving it!!!! Hopped to the store for some supplies and groceries.

Gary and Ann ..... awwwww!!!
The suspense is electric
Come on number 25!!!
The chicken handlers
Sunset over the RV resort .. Live Oak!

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