Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Fri Mar 20 -Tue Mar 25th - Dinner with friends, Vegging

Fri Mar 20 -Tue Mar 25th - Dinner with friends, Vegging

Friday Mar 21
Mostly just hanging out at camp. Derek went to guitar jam with a couple of the guys, while Janice made mint sauce and Carrot/curry soup. Janice has been spending some time over at the rental cottage at night... quite a different experience sleeping in a room with a bed and full size appliances to put her yogurt and heat the kettle. Watched the movie 'Mandella" ... worth watching, but not as powerful as we had hoped.
Saturday Mar 22
Spent much of the day sorting and doing laundry .. and getting dinner prepared for Lisa and Mike. They came over early and we sat outside for a drink before dinner. And enjoyed an appetizer, compliments of their daughter Jehan (spelling??) .. delicious chocolate dipped strawberries... yum!!  Served roast lamb, and it was their first taste of lamb... it seemed to get a favourable response.. I was in heaven with my favourite meat and roasties to boot. (We did the roasties in the cottage as the room was limited in our small stove) After dinner, we all trogged off to the Pavilion for the rest of the regular Karaoke Night. Great fun. Lisa sang a few songs, she has a great voice

Sunday Mar 23
Mostly just clean-up and planning,  low key day.  Caught up with Derek and Lin on Skype and heard all about their amazing cruise from Australia to Tokyo... sounded amazing.Went to get DVD's s we could burn some movies rather than watch them on my computer or through Apple TV. We got back and burnt a movie, only to discover that the DVD player seems to have jammed and will not work... did some research on new units. We went to the hot tub in the evening... really nice soak. Watched 'Monsier Lazhar' (subtitles) on my computer with the sound coming through the rigs speakers. Wow.. what a powerful movie... watch it if you get the chance!!!
Monday Mar 24
We  did some planning and research for our South Africa trip. Tried to fix the DVD player.. to no avail, so called Camping World and arranged to have new tires put on the rig and a new Radio/CD/DVD player installed this Friday at their store in New Bruenfels. Relaxed outside and enjoyed the warm weather and chatted with neighbours. Watched "Saving Mr. Banks" in the evening... excellent Movie. Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson.... both excellent.
Tuesday Mar 25th:
Were going to go for a walk, but we got totally lazy and spent the day basically on our computers and sitting around outside and going for a walk round the site. After dinner Derek went to guitar jam again and Janice went for a quick workout (feeling very guilty about not exercising enough) and then into the hot tub with Lisa for a while. Determined to get more exercise!!!!
There are no photos for the last few days as life trogs happily along and I tend to forget to take photos.

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