Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sat/Sun 8-9 March - Shopping/packing/dinner at Chilis

Sat/Sun 8-9 March - Shopping/packing/dinner at Chilis
On Saturday Derek went to the clubhouse for a 2 hour jam session with a couple of guys from the resort (Dave x 2). He said he was a bit rusty, but it was great for him to get some practice in.  We then went and did some shopping and got water filter installed (ours cracked in the freeze) Most of the day for Tiina's gang was spent packing and preparing to leave. They also managed to get the, as yet un-named Armadillo shipped.We all went out for a final drink and meal. First we went to the Oasis ... but the view was not good due to mist and rain. The menu wasn't as varied as we would like so we moved on to Chili's in Lakeway and had a great meal. (note.. they have excellent Margaritas.)
On Sunday Tiina's gang headed to the Austin Rodeo and to see a concert with Willie Nelson. While they were gone we caught up on five loads of laundry and basic cleaning. When they got back we all sat round our campfire (propane, but fun) with a drink or two  and we heard all abut the tales of the rodeo and Willie. They had some final packing to do, so it was an early night for us. I totally forgot to take any photos ... a bad habit I am getting into!!!!

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