Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Mon/Tues March 10/11 - preparation for visitors and GOLF!!

Mon/Tues March 10/11 - Shopping and GOLF!!

On Monday we said farewell to Tiina, Mychael and Breila s they continue their trip to New Orleans and then home to Ontario... we had a great time with them and were so glad they came down to visit. After they left Derek and I went to Costco. When we got back we did some general cleaning etc and we walked around the resort chatting with fiends and neighbours. Janice went on a fun golfcart ride around the park with Lisa... boy Janice loves those golf carts!!  We were asked if we were going to join the scramble golf the next, and we decided that we would.. despite the 7:30 start. Janice excitedly unwrapped the first club from her new set... the putter,, we figured it wad the only club she needed to take.  Early night!!
We were up and off to the golf course.. Janice excitedly clutching her one and only club for the day. We went to  the Morris Williams Golf Course just outside Austin and drove there with a couple from the RV resort (Mike and Linda). We were paired up with two guys (Tom and Charlie) and off we went. It was a scramble game so we used best ball and the guys took turns hitting the ball twice in lieu of Janice... but she took over on the putting green and was totally pumped to be able to at least do that... another baby step in the healing process (but a big one). While the course was not in very good condition it was a fun day. On our return we sat and lazed in the 85 degree weather with a cold beer and our books.
It is now close to midnight and we are waiting excitedly for two more friends to arrive from Ontario. Al and Tina have had some bad luck with delayed flights but the plane has landed and they are hopefully on their way here from the airport. It will be great to see them.

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