Monday, February 18, 2013

Saturday Feb 16-Monday Feb 18th - Back in Galveston

Saturday Feb 16-Monday Feb 18th

We docked at Galveston at 7am on Saturday and, after lounging around over a large breakfast we waited for disembarkation at 10:30am. Janice started to feel slightly ill while waiting. We managed to get through customs with no problem and grabbed a cab back to the ‘condo’, which we found to be as we had left it. All well except Janice who got progressively worse (flu-like symptoms) and spent the rest of the day and the next 2 days curled up in bed, not eating, and thinking the world was ending!!!  Derek did some shopping for groceries etc and basically was chief cook and bottle washer while Janice was ‘out of it’. How lucky that this didn’t happen during the cruise!!  Windy and cool at 20 degrees in Galveston, which feels very cool after the heat we have experienced in the past week. 

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