Friday, February 15, 2013

Fri Feb 15th - At sea, heading back to Galveston

Friday Feb 15th At sea 
We spoiled ourselves with a balcony champagne breakfast with smoked salmon, fresh fruit, fresh pastries, quiche, bacon and half bottle of French champagne. It was wonderful.  Forgot to take photos.. having too much fun.
Enjoying the last day. On the balcony of our cabin
We enjoyed a day at sea.  The weather got much cooler and windy as we headed North back to Galveston. Day of rest reading, packing, eating… lovely. I love cruises that end with a day or two at sea. It gives you time to unwind, reflect, and prepare yourself for the reality of getting back to ‘normal’ life. Although ours is far from normal at the moment.

 Our cabin B752

Our cabin


  1. envious, me?
    no, no...
    i so enjoy february in Toronto with its dirty grey snowbanks, dull sky and sometimes inhumane (to a french native anyway) temperatures...
    looks like a fabulous cruise
    just one question... why only half a bottle???

    ps: just read you're feeling better, Janice, i'm glad
    and you guys look gorgeous on the latest FB photo


    1. LOL.... I also didn't think Half a bottle was possible!!! Like 'left over wine"!!!! Cruise was amazing. I am feeling much more human today and we totally enjoyed a day at the Houston Space Centre.. well worth the trip. I do miss the snow by the way... but trying hard to cope without it!! Just home after a fabulous seafood meal... oysters and flounder (fresh from the gulf).. MMMM!!! Retirement is grand. Hugs xoxo
