Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Vancouver Christmas CONTINUED

Sunday Dec 23h to Dec 30th – Vancouver BC

Two weeks went by so fast. The first was a blur of visiting good friends … thanks Dave and Mark for a fabulous evening of great conversation and wine and Thai… Love your home. (how long have we known each other????) Our other adventures included a trip to Granville Island while Evan’s car was in the service centre at the dealer,  (amazing Fish ‘n Chips with Granville Island Brewery Winter Beer), and a memorable trip to the Vancouver Christmas market (Mostly German theme) … loved the spiced wine…. Yum!!! 

No Caption needed!!!!!
What a cute couple!!!!
Sweetie... Hiding behind the blinds !!! In case we send her out in it!!

It even snowed for us on the first Wednesday and we awoke to a winter Vancouver!!!

View from lounge window - what a morning surprise
An early Merry Christmas!!
Evan and Kyle were so very good to us… our room was beautiful and the house is just terrific, with lots of room,  Evan even has an office to work in. They are further out toward Burnaby but close to transportation and shopping. It was also a treat getting to see Sweetie and Mollie, our lovely calico cats that Evan and Kyle adopted from us over 18 months ago. They are very happy cats, and even with some fair rules, they are spoiled rotten… as they should be!!! We went to Langley to get Joy (Kyle's mum) on the 23rd and enjoyed a great lunch in Aldergrove with Joy's brother and his wife, Bob and Rae. Joy spent Christmas with us and it was so wonderful getting to know her and we enjoyed long conversations and shared stories. She even decided to extend her stay a few days and we had a relaxing time with TV shows and card games.
For the first time in 41 years Janice and Derek didn’t cook Christmas dinner.  In fact we were banished from the kitchen and given the hard job of relaxing while Evan and Kyle cooked up an amazing traditional Christmas dinner with all the trimmings. Lovely!!! We could get used to that treatment!!! Of course we missed home a little, and sons Braden and Grant a lot. But we were in touch with them both over the holidays, as well as family in UK, which helped ease the pangs!! Evan and Kyle also made things so special that we really felt at home and happily enjoyed a very festive day. 

All set for a fabulous Christmas Dinner
On Boxing day Evan and Kyle took us all for a special treat to see ‘Bright Nights’ at Stanley park… a magical ride on a small train to see the Christmas lights, with music and gingerbread … a good time was had by all. Janice happily embarrassed herself being the only rider wearing a Santa hat and singing all the way round, eating a gingerbread man supplied by E and K!! 
Bright Nights- Stanley Park
Disco Moose Dancing for train
Gingerbread man - RIP
Xmas Train reflected in pond 

Bright Nights - Stanley park - daytime
Bright Nights - Stanley Park - daytime

Derek - "Bird in Hand"-- on walk, playing the fool!!
Out on a walk round neighbourhood

E and K's lovely home
The 27th was Kyle' birthday and we were able to meet some of E and K's friends at the open house. Great time. Again we were ordered to relax while they did all the prep work. 
A couple of days to wind down and spend quality time with Evan and Kyle before we left Canada and returned safely to Austin on Sunday 30th. We began the travel day being up at  3.15am then travelled to Austin via Houston  on United Airways. We headed back to Texas  feeling a little lost, but were relieved that the trip home was smooth and that all was well back at the ‘condo’.

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