Monday, December 31, 2012


Monday Dec 31st - Bye Bye 2012

Well what a year. When it began we had no notion of where we would be at the end of the year. It has been a big and eventful year for us. When it began Derek was still working, we had not even thought about buying a Fifth Wheel trailer yet and we had not considered the timing for selling our home. The ball started rolling in February when we saw an ad in Kijiji for a used 5th Wheel trailer and a pickup truck combination. We didn't buy it, but it started us on the journey to investigate the market... the rest is history. So this year brought retirement, Janice's 60th, the purchase of a truck and 5th wheel, the sale of our house after 35 years, and finally leaving on our adventure, which is the focus of this blog.
So the last day of the year was spent unpacking, and buying supplies for an evening at home, Champagne, snacks etc.
We thought we'd settle for an early night but Travis next door called at 5 and said that a bunch of folks from the park we going to the Mexican restaurant across the road at 7 and he had seats of us. More great food, a pitcher of Margarita shared by Travis, a bottle of wine that turned out to be 1.5 litres, 3 courses (Derek had shrimp, lamb and Creme brûlée, Janice had crab cakes, Lobster tails with shrimp and Creme Brûlée) all for $100 incl. tax and tip for two of us!!!!!! Back at the 'condo' at about 10:30pm we watched New Years on tv from Toronto, New York and then an hour later New Orleans. Sorry no photos taken today. 

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