Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thoughts at 3 weeks to launch.

It is now three weeks before we finally walk out of our home of 35 years and begin our new adventure on the road for a while. We are scared, excited, emotional and totally positive that this is the right time to fulfill this daft dream of ours. There were times over the last couple of years when we thought it was not going to happen, but here we are and reality is starting to set in.
I think the scary parts revolve around the idea that we can't just head 'home', that there is no hearth, piled up mail, or blue food awaiting us in some place we habitually return to with relief and sense of belonging.  Some folk have said we are brave, others have said we are crazy, but most have said that this is something they would love to do themselves. We consider ourselves blessed that we have the health, the opportunity, and the wherewithal, to take off and travel the continent for as short or as long a time as we want.  We invite you to  travel along with us by reading the blog and keeping in touch on a regular basis. It will help calm the gnawing 'homesickness' we expect to experience after a while. Going to Vancouver to spend Xmas with family will also lighten the journey quite significantly.
Stay tuned .... next post may not be until we are 'rocking' on the road.

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