Monday, June 4, 2012

Sunday June 3rd 2012 - Homeward bound

 SUNDAY JUNE 3rd 2012 - New York To Home

Rainy morning so we dilly-dallied and cooked up a HUGE breakfast, so that the border guards didn't confiscate it!! Is that logical?? While cooking we watched the Queens Jublilee celebrations live on the internet as she cruised down the Thames. Stuffed to the gills we packed up camp in the rain, and headed out about noon. Wound our way up through New York State (Finger Lakes area) which is beautiful even in the rain. Janice was driving as we approached the Canadian border when Derek discovered that our passports had done a runner.  ARGGHH!!  With great diplomacy I explained to the border officer that we think that the US border guard had not given them back to us after he checked out the trailer on our way in to the States 2 weeks ago (which is what we think happened). Anyway.. cut a long story short, we discovered that passports are very valuable on the black market  ($10,000- 20,000) and now, (post 911) the police have to get involved... so last night, near midnight we had the police here making a report which he has to submit to the Foreign Affairs Ministry ... what a giggle!! We are both a bit ticked with it all 'cos of the drawn out bureaucracy of replacing them, but the process has been an education, and somewhat amusing!!! I guess they have to be very careful these days.
We have a fairly large number of things that need to be addressed under the warranty ... leaky toilet being near the top of the list!! Mostly small items but they all need to be addressed before we head out on a longer trip.
We have discovered during, this trip that home is where the heart is, and that we could live quite happily and stress free wandering the continent in the fifth. It is amazing how little one really needs. Visitors bring their own chairs and drink containers to the campfire and we are all entertained with stories of traveling.
We only need 2 mugs, 2 wine glasses and 2 beer glasses, 2 plates etc etc etc .... When we came home and saw how much 'stuff' we have .... it was quite eye-opening.
We did miss friends and family, but with modern technology it was so easy to keep in touch. Skype is a gift!!
We feel truly privileged to be able to follow this long term dream of ours and will continue blogging when we hit the road again.
Thanks for following along with us....

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