Sunday, March 27, 2016

Sat - Sun Mar 26/27 2016 - Easter in Houston

Sat - Sun Mar 26/27 2016 - Easter in Houston
Saturday: We packed up the truck and headed out around 9:30 and made it to the Marriott Springhill Suites in Rosenberg just after 1pm. Lisa got a great rate for us. After checking in we headed to Jehan and Jason's house about 20 minutes away in a very small town called Needville. What a beautiful home they have. They were all busy preparing food etc for the evening gathering of friends and family. We felt so welcomed and part of the family. Jason had an uncle and cousin staying at the house for a week and later in the day several friends arrived. We had a BBQ and sat outside enjoying the company... a bunch of people played the flip-cup beer game, which was hilarious to watch.. Derek got in there and did pretty well after some practice (and a couple of beers). After the BBQ a bunch played a bean-bag toss game which became quite competitive. We left about 9:30 feeling very happy. We miss our family at Easter, but Jehan and Jason and Lisa and Mike made us feel like part of their family and we feel very lucky to have such great friends in Texas. 
Sunday: After a great breakfast atthe hotel with Lisa and Mike we headed back over to Jehan and Jason's place for an Easter egg hunt. It was hilarious that Lisa and Jehan spent so much time 'hiding' Plastic eggs (with chocolate kisses inside) all around the garden and Brody just wanted to stop with each one and eat the chocolates!! Lisa had to pick most of them back up after he lost interest... at 2 years old, he just didn't get the idea straight... next year I am sure he will be out there gathering them up with abandon! He enjoyed opening his Easter gifts. Jason cooked a delicious Pork loin on the BBQ and we also had Mikes famous devilled eggs (which we all chipped in to peel.. they were tough to do). Also enjoyed Jason's jalapenos stuffed with cheese, wrapped in bacon and BBQ'd... (yum) along with a multitude of other goodies... There was enough food to feed an army, but we did our very best! Wow was it good! After lunch and a sad farewell, Derek and I, and Mike and Lisa left to go home. It took us just over 3 hrs to get back to Castroville. Neither of us could eat anything else that day. What a beautiful Easter to remember. 
PHOTOS TO FOLLOW when we get home and have good internet!!

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