Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Mon/Tue Nov 10 - 11 Golf / relaxing / remembering

Mon Nov 10 - GOLF
It was the last of what has been beautiful warm days (cold front coming in tomorrow), so with a 77-80 degree forecast we were very happy to join another couple from the resort (Kirk and Susan) for a game of golf at a municipal course in South Austin called Roy Kizer municipal course. 
We had a great day. Beautiful weather, fun golf partners and a lovely course.
Janice was more than a little rusty on the first nine and had to use much self control to restrain from tossing her clubs in the lake... however she recovered a little of her 'mojo' in the back nine and hope for the future was restored!!  Derek had the patience of Job.... and the bravery of Sampson when he tried to give her a few pointers!!!  LOL  We were all hungry after the game and treated ourselves to a delicious burger at the course cafe.
It really was fun being out on the course again and we never cease to be grateful for the opportunity to do what we are doing. We got back to the resort and chilled for a while. We watched a BBC documentary on PBS  about the young Queen Victoria and then one about her 'crippled' grandson - he grew up to be the dreaded Kaiser who was instrumental in instigating WW1. Fascinating stuff. 
Tues Nov 11
Cold front has arrived but it is still beautiful and sunny. We spent the day relaxing, blogging, researching destinations, and a couple of walks round the resort etc... all good stuff to do.
A day also to remember and be thankful.... in your own way for your own reasons. Peace!!

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