Saturday, November 8, 2014

Fri-Sat Nov 7/8 - Karaoke & hanging out

Fri-Sat  Nov 7/8 - Karaoke & hanging out

Well the weather improved dramatically…mid 70’s and sunny. Spent much of the day sorting, laundry and blogging. Back at Karaoke. Derek actually got up and did a couple of songs... Janice was pretty impressed with his bravery and his singing!!! After Karaoke we went late night cruisin’with Lisa and Mike on their funky, flashin multi colour under lit raised golf cart - great fun. 
The clinic finally got back to us with a lower price for Janice's back injection and while we have made an appointment for the injection for November 20th, we have contacted our doctor in Canada to see if we can get the injection done in Burlington early December and save the cost. Will know more next Monday

Saturday, Janice got her nails done and we spent the evening watching HNIC on Grants TV via skype. Go Leafs go, they beat the Rangers 5 – 4 in a great game. Leivo (left winger) who we saw with the Marlies on Wednesday night was brought up go play for the Leafs in tonight’s game…we felt like real fans!! 
No Photos !! 

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