Saturday, October 18, 2014

Wed-Sat Oct 15-18 - Sarnia

Wed-Sat Oct 15-18  -  Sarnia
Camped at the Countryview Motel and RV park
On our way south we decided to stop for a couple of days and spend some time with Grant in Sarnia.  We camped at the Countryview RV Park about 20 minutes out of town (the closest we could find) It is a basic but sufficiently comfortable RV park.. not a 'destination resort' but good enough for a few days while visiting the city. 
Getting some mighty good hugging
We had a great time with Grant just chilling and cooking and catching up (with a little guitar playing thrown in). We were treated to one amazing trout dinner at Grants apartment, cooked to perfection and we even managed to watch a hockey game together, (which was fun despite the loss). 
Time to say goodbye.. see ya soon!
Grant stayed with us in the trailer on the night before we left and we dropped him off close to home, with a few tears shed by Janice as we took off again for points south.

We drove for about 7 hours through Michigan, Ohio, into Kentucky and after a disappointing stop at a truck stop where we intended to park for the night (it was too full and very noisy) we drove on for a while to a Walmart parking lot just north of Louisville, Kentucky in a small town called La Grange. It is a perfect spot for a quick overnight free boon-docking, and we could even pop into the store for a couple of supplies before filling the hot water bottles in anticipation of a cold night.

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