Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday Oct 27 – Swamp tour

Monday Oct 27 – Swamp Tour
First Alligator we saw-followed by many
Well hello there tasty person
Tranquil fresh water river
Well - it seemed tranquil!!!
A quiet morning. Another day the high 20’s C. We drifted around the campsite and then booked for the Cajun Encounters swamp tour at noon in Slidell. We decided to drive there ourselves which was perfect. Boarding a flat bottomed boat with a guide and some other passengers, off we went up the river for an unforgettable adventure which started off with the first of many encounters with Alligators.  The guide coaxed them close to the boat with marshmallows and hotdogs on a long stick. During the two hour adventure we spotted alligators, turtles, snakes, wild pigs, Egrets, and Blue Herons. The highlight of the tour was floating up a bayou, listening to the insects and trees hardly rustling in the peaceful tranquility of such a remote and seemingly uninhabitable area. The swamps up the bayou were eerie and beautiful, and that was in early afternoon…. couldn’t even begin to imagine this location at night. The pictures will be memorable. We also couldn’t help but think of the remote wildlife hunts and safaris we have been able to enjoy this year, from the Grasslands in South Africa, to the deserts of West Africa, to the swamps of Louisiana. 
All for a marshmallow... Yikes
Main river

Wild hogs

Type of boat we were on!

Blue Heron
Family meeting!!!

Sunning herself
Entering the Bayou
Drifting into the bayou
So still and eerie in many way
Derek the alligator hunter!
Leaving the bayou
Patiently waiting for someone to fall in!

Watch out behind you!!
Love the balconies here

The colours are just great!!

We made our way back into downtown New Orleans in time to see some of the filming for an upcoming NCIS New Orleans TV show. We then wandered around the French market again and went Coops restaurant for a creole meal….Gumbo, Jambalaya, Red Beans, Shrimp Creole and fried Chicken. Suitably satiated we came back to the RV park had a wander around before sunset and then settled into the blog.

The Scene of the crime NCIS (dead dummy!)

Set for NCIS New Orleans TV show
Great place for New Orleans cuisine

Checking out the Halloween decs

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