Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wed Aug 6th - Caribou Plain Hike

Wed Aug 6th - Caribou Plain Hike
Easy but beautiful !!
Caribou plains.. easy trail

Not letting rain get in the way!!

Rain was threatened all day so we stayed at camp, but as the day wore on the rain was not showing itself to be more than a few small showers, so as cabin fever set in we took off to go on a short hike at Caribou plains and the Caribou boardwalk... only 2.6 km total, but at least we got out. After the hike we drove over to Bennett lake where the have kayak rentals, but the showers were getting heavier and the guy said it would be too risky to go out. We decided to maybe try again tomorrow. We headed back to camp in the rain and relaxed for the evening and played a game of scrabble ... a close game and lots of fun!! 

Not sure what it is, but 'twas a big bird

View from road

1 comment:

  1. Those fabulous churches with the spiky steeples look like some I've seen in Riga and in Kiev - maybe some links with immigrants memories ? and the mushrooms - look goo, are they edible?
