Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sun Aug 3 2014 Alma Farmers Market /Golf / Lazy day

Sun Aug 3 2014 Alma Farmers Market /Golf / Lazy day

Alma... downtown!!!
Fishing boats - low tide Alma
Fishing boats Alma - low tide
A hang-out day today. We got up and headed straight into Alma for the farmers market where we treated ourselves to some home-baked goodies, bread, veggies and meats. We stopped in town to take some photos of the fishing dock area at low tide… the fishing boats are literally sitting in the mud. Back at camp for noon we cooked up a rare bacon and egg breakfast with homemade marmalade, homemade bread and cornbread… a guilty lip-smacking treat and a far cry from our bran buds and sliced banana. Late afternoon Derek decided to try out the local nine hole golf course while Janice stayed at camp to catch up on the blog, read, laundry, and do some weight training.  Derek enjoyed is golf game. The course was rather hilly and challenging, but worth the trip. We set to BBQ’ing the smoked pork chops we bought from the farmer at the market… oh my… they were like butter, not overly smoked… just plain delicious. The evening spent by our ‘campfire’ reading and chatting.
Across the bridge from the dock area Alma

Photo taken from boat ramp - Alma
Hanging out waiting for the tide to come in

Quite fascinating  to see them float later.

Largest tide variation in the world here!

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