Monday, August 11, 2014

Mon Aug 11 - Truck Radiator blown

Mon Aug 11 - Truck Radiator blown
Montmorency Falls from Bridge
Homemade chips and mayo
Church next to pub
View from Pub parking
Good to have truck safe again
Janice up early... back is rather bad... so she walked to the end of the quai (quay) with a cup of tea and watched the ships sail by. We had a quick toast (with homemade marmalade from Alma farmers market) and set off for the dealership to have the truck checked... we made it gingerly without issue, but when we arrived we looked under the truck and coolant fluid was flowing unchecked onto the floor...  No need for the service tech guy, who speaks little English, to explain what was wrong!!!! New radiator needed to be ordered, so we sat on this beautiful sunny morning in the waiting room of the dealership, racking up the bill as we sat. BUT... we are so very lucky. Safety in this lifestyle we live is first and foremost above all.  The idea of being stuck on a highway with the 'condo' attached, in the rain, with no help in sight on a Sunday in the middle of the wilderness.... or  sitting comfortably in a waiting room on a sunny morning catching up on the blog.... the choice is clear and we are indeed counting our blessings today. .... more to come later..... here we go... so after about 4 hours... finally new radiator and we had a quick intake of breath when the bill came to discover, much to our delight, that it was covered under our extended warranty... just $200 deductible.... whooo hoooo!!! So .. happy and surprised (and feeling a lot safer) we headed back to the island and went to a micro brewery / pub for a bite to eat and a nice beer... then back to our campsite. Made a cup of tea and walked to the Quai again..

End of the Quai at Ile 'D'Orleans Campsite

The End of a good day!

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