Friday, August 8, 2014

Fri Aug 8th - New Brunswick to Quebec

Fri Aug 8th - New Brunswick to Quebec
View from campground (S shore) - low tide
Camped at Demi-Lieue CG

We left our site at Headquarters Campground not long after 9am and started the drive toward Ile D'Orleans, which we expected to take two days. However we just kept driving and had hoped to get the rest of the tires replaced enroute. We stopped at Canadian Tire in New Brunswick, who appeared to have the only tires of the size we need in the whole of the Maritimes. After checking the car in and spending and hour or so a t a local MacDonalds they called and said they actually had made a mistake and the tires we need are not there (the owner put them on his truck, without recording them 
Lovely Campground... recommend it!
) ARGGHH!! So we also had them check the computer codes as we had an engine warning sign.. they reset the codes and said there appeared to be no problems... so we kept driving until we found a site. Thank goodness for cell phones and mobile internet and Woodall's Campground Guide. We had difficulty finding anywhere that had space for 2 nights. Drove right through New Brunswick and camped on the south shore of the St Lawrence in Quebec at Camping De La Demi-Lieue (Half Mile Campground)..... It was really a camping resort. Fabulous spot... pool, lake, tennis courts, snack bar, laundry, Bocce ball, and the list goes on. After setting up we went for a quick walk and wandered into the snack bar. Unable to resist we ordered a small portion of poutine (for those non-canadians, this is a dish specific to Quebec and is basically french fries (chips to you in UK), covered with a generous portion of cheese curds, then smothered with very hot dark brown gravy.... OH HEAVEN!!!) It was the best poutine we have ever had... good job we are not staying more than one night!!!!
This is definitely a family camping resort and campfires were ablaze all over the place. Laughter, BBQ's smoking and kids galore... loved it!! We called Camping Ile D'orleans to see if they could take us a day early (tomorrow) and they had one site available for tomorrow night ... we will have to move the next day to the site we had already booked for 5 nights... well at least we have somewhere to go tomorrow and we will be on the island early. 
We are a little concerned that the engine warning light came on again... nothing seems to be amiss, but we will check it again when we get to Ile D'Orleans. 

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