Friday, August 1, 2014

Aug 1 2014 - PEI to New Brunswick

Fri Aug 1 2014- PEI – New Brunswick

Our site at New Glasgow Highlands
Sadly packing to leave
Time came to leave PEI and it was with regret that we weren’t staying for much, much longer. We fell in love with this beautiful island. Here you will find rolling hills, hedgerows or small trees dividing crop fields, character filled small villages, great theatre and music. We only explored a small part of this island that is far bigger than we had imagined. We definitely plan on coming back here. It does not seem to be a wealthy province but it is rich in character and variety, to say nothing of the fabulous seafood and friendly islanders. It was the only Canadian province we had not visited since we made this country our home in 1973. Now we should work on seeing all the territories too.
First Sight of Confederation Bridge
A road out into the ocean- amazing

We had taken the ferry onto the Island so decided we should take the Confederation Bridge over to New Brunswick. We both knew that it was quite a unique bridge, but nothing can prepare you for seeing a road that just disappears into the ocean with a faint view of the ‘other side’… It is definitely more like a road built on concrete stilts than a bridge and it really does feel like you are driving across the ocean (which I guess you are). It is expensive to take the bridge ($45 per car … $60 for us with our rig), but we can understand why it costs so much. The cost of building it must have been huge.  Ooing and ahhing our way across we were once again feeling fortunate to be here, doing what we are doing. We drove straight to Fundy National Park bobbing ferociously over particularly rough roads, frequently exclaiming “there go the dishes!!”  Fundy National park is huge and thickly forested, with only one main road cutting through the middle. We arrived at the Headquarters Campground after a very steep road down toward the shoreline. After setting up we headed into the village of Alma (just outside the park gates) and picked up a few supplies. We made dinner and sat outside chatting by our propane ‘campfire’.  We decided that we would like some time just to hang out here, so we extended our stay here from 4 to 7 nights even though we will have to change sites after 4 nights.

Almost in New Brunswick

The road to Fundy National Park.... BUMPY!!!

Lucky campers going to PEI!

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