Saturday, July 12, 2014

Sat Jul 12 - Montreal

Sat Jul 12 - Montreal
Notre Dame de Montreal
Neat statue in Old Montreal
We got off to a slow start this morning as we were both not sure what we wanted to do.. bad mix!! Bit we finally got ourselves realizing that we would like to see Old Montreal and have a slap up meal later on. A Metro station is about 20 minute drive away so we made our way there and worked out the system map and made our way into Old Montreal The first stop was the Notre Dame Cathedral... just a quick look from the outside as we are still reeling from the beauty of Canterbury Cathedral.
Lunch... Bevo pizza
Rue St Paul
Really cool pedal cars for sale
Stop for Cappuccino
We spent our afternoon walking and walking, checking out galleries and stopping for a quick beer and shared pizza at Bevo Bar... wow... Parma ham, arugula and reggiano cheese. Totally enjoyed the hustle bustle of the old town and the Place Jacque-Cartier .. the happening place for restaurants, buskers and artists! Our meal at Auberge St Gabriel was exquisite... It is the oldest Inn in North America so they say (1688) ... Derek has Veal shank and Janice had Paella... both were wonderful. The bread was of an ilk we haven't had for years.. crusty french bread with the crustiest of crusts and a taste that I thought had disappeared many years ago... we had a second helping with fresh butter.. naughty, but scrumptiously wickedly good!!!! Janie couldn't manage a dessert, but Derek was a trooper and oredered "The Framboise". Hard to describe, but would bring us both back to Montreal again... maybe we could move here...!!!! The picture shows you what it looked, but the taste is unbelievalble.. even Janice had a small taste and was in raptures. Biscuit base with thick raspberry and Mascarpone mousse balls crusted lightly with ground Pistachio and filled with  Raspberry Coulis, topped with thin dark chocolate. If you ever get to Old Montreal go and have this dessert if it is the only thing you do!!!! The restaurant is a bit pricy, but no more than Toronto pricing. 
Stopped at the cathedral again on the way back to the subway to listen to a violinist who just seemed to belong there. He was talented and very soulful. Another stop in the subway walkway tunnel to listen to a guitarist playing and singing 'Stairway to Heaven'... he was terrific too. They sure have talented buskers here in Montreal. Needless to say both these guys got tips from us. 
City Hall
Back to camp and a reasonable early night. 

Auberge St Gabriel


Well fed and happy

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