Monday, July 28, 2014

Monday Jul 28th – Charlottetown Lobster and Anne Shirley

Monday Jul 28th – Charlottetown Lobster and Anne Shirley
Province House Charlottetown
Great Island Beer
A wonderful day. Started with a drive into Charlottetown to the wharf where we had booked a Lobster tour aboard a real lobster boat. We were a bit early so enjoyed a quick bowl of seafood chowder and a local PEI beer at a restaurant on the wharf… very tasty. We then boarded the fishing boat ‘Top Notch”, joining Captain Mark and his brother Cody (4th generation Lobster fishermen) and another few people for the tour of a lifetime. An informative talk by Capt Mark about lobsters and general fishing in PEI. (did you know that a lobster can REGROW parts of its body such as eyes, claws, tentacles internal organs etc) … we need to do some stem cell research there for sure!!!!)
Charlottetown Harbour
We were invited to help bring the traps up and were up close and personal with crab and lobster and a third trap contained a 14lb lobster (affectionately named Larry). 
The anchor was dropped in the bay and we were treated to a lobster dinner and local beer on-board. A superb 2.5 hour adventure.
Hello! can I come out now?
Back ashore we had some time to kill and found the Kettle Black Coffee House. Well we think we know coffee and these folks do too. Best cappuccino since Orotava on the cruise.
Brave beyond measure
Hauling in the big one
 A quick change in the truck, a short walk through town and we were off to see Anne of Green Gables - The Musical at the Confederation Center for the Arts. Not being fans of musicals we were a bit hesitant, but were delighted to discover that it was a truly entertaining show, we laughed, tapped our feet and even shed a tear (well Janice did anyway, when Matthew died). What a great performance… very professional and well directed. We were also treated to a special live appearance before the show by Don Heron (Charlie Farquharson) (non-Canadians once again go to Wikipedia),  who co-wrote the musical. He is now almost 90 years old, but still got stage presence and a sense of humour.     
Another fascinating creature!
Baby starfsh... awwww!!

Larry the Lobster... dinner anyone?
Nothing like a fresh lobster!

Thankyou Mark and Cody - brilliant tour
Street in Charlottetown
St Dunstan's  Basilica, Charlottetown
Chatting with Sir John A MacDonald

Macdonald's story
Back of Prov Hse Fathers of confederation met here 1864
Fascinating creatures

Croquet anyone?
Fabulous coffee at the Kettle Black

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