Friday, June 13, 2014

Wed Jun 11 - Fri Jun 13 - With Sue and John

Wed Jun 11 - Fri Jun 13 - With Sue and John
Wednesday June 11th
Aha Nordic Walking!! Derek was introduced to it by John and the Wednesday group.  Totally enjoyed the experience. Met the group at the Priory Marina and Country Park. They knocked off a brisk 3.5 miles. Janice and Sue did a short walk along the Priory wall and marina and we all met back at a pub for a latte.   Had a great country ride looking to find the pub that Janice and Derek remembered as selling the best Abbott ale (remembered from our trip last year). We had some trouble and visited one pub for lunch and a pint. We eventually found the Bell again. They said they had no Abbott Ale left, but  as we were about to leave disappointed they found a fresh cask and put it on. It is just as good as we remember. A great pint.
Great Pub for lunch, Ye Three Fyshes
 TV on back at the house, we watched the annual Mansion House speech by George Osborne, the finance minister and Mark Carney (Canadian now head of the bank of England). Very forthright and informative.
Still trying to remember the other pub

WHoo Hoo!! Found it .. THE BELL!! In Turvey

By the stream behind the Bell

Lovely morning walk!!
The beige hat club!!!

Thursday June 12th 
 Off to the English countryside again.The four of us walked around a very picturesque lake and park. We then went off to Olney and enjoyed a Latte at a lovely coffee shop, then visited the Cowper and Newton museum. What a great surprise, its very low key but very informative and historic. This village is where Amazing Grace was written by Newton, a former slave ship captain turned clergyman. He was instrumental in abolishing slavery. He and Cowper were good friends and co-operated in writing many hymns. The  garden was beautiful. FISH AND CHIPS TONIGHT.... YUMMYY!!!!

The Lake

Swans - always a beautiful sight

Cormorants nesting by the lake

See the blue cabbage flies ... there were thousands!

Cabbage flies stopping for a nano-second!!

One of my favourite photos.. Love my camera

Coffee shop in Olney... Nice!!

In Cowper's Garden.. he did much writing here!

Pinic lunch after Olney
Fishing? in a Toilet???

Friday June 13
Well this was packing day, how do we get all of this stuff into those airline bags. an extra bag and pay the extra bag charge online!!!
We had a slap up meal at The Bedford Arms to say thanks to John and Sue....great food, who said the Brits can’t cook.... wow!!
No photos on the last day... just feeling both sad to be leaving, and excited about being home tomorrow. 

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