Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sunday May 11 - Mother's Day- Walvis Bay Namibia

Sunday May 11 - Mother's Day- Walvis Bay Namibia
Boarding our craft for bay cruise
Welcome committee
After a fairly rough night, we woke to dense fog, as the captain backed the ship into its berth at Walvis Bay. This port is the major port for supplies coming into and cargo leaving many of the West African countries. The dock area is not so attractive, but as we discovered on our tour, it is surrounded by beautiful and varied landscapes.

We started our day with a room service breakfast to save time getting ready for our trip ashore. 

Jelly anyone?

And we're off... foggy but fun

One of the boats.. we were on the back

Hitch-hiker... middle of nowhere!!

Can I come onboard... NO!!
We had chosen a bay cruise to see the wild life in the area, and were a little disappointed in the dense fog, thinking it would be a major let down. A quick transfer to a number of small boats, we were loaded on across narrow planks to board and off we went into the fog. I think we were all wondering what the heck we were doing there!!! We were treated to a couple of glasses of local sherry to warm us up. After about five minutes of progress into the bay, the boat's operator shut down the engines in an area where we could see a number of wild seal swimming and leaping when suddenly a huge seal leaped up onto the back of the boat (where Derek and I had chosen to sit... ) of course everyone jumped with shock as the seal made its way to the front of the boat, wetting all the seats we had just vacated ... the operator (guide) gave the seal a few fish as a treat and gave is some information about the Cape Seal, before shooing him off the boat.. she quickly wiped down the seat and told us to hang on tight as she booted the throttle, full force with  a few more seal in hot pursuit trying to get on board.... hilarious and fun. We continued through the fog and soon came to appreciate the unique experience as we saw a flock of hundreds of Cape Cormorants crossing in front of us through the mist only a foot or so above  the water... it was an eerie sight and sound, one that was unique and awesome. We headed further out to a 17000 sq ft platform, known as Bird Island, owned by Wilfried Groenewald a man with vision, who somehow wanted to give the seabirds a place to land and groom themselves, but who also saw the value in.... bird poop ... yes ... tons of it... methodically collected and shipped out to be used as fertilizer and in...... ugghh....  makeup... !!!! 
Maybe no-one will notice me here!!
Hitch-hiker avoidance technique!!
Further on we came to a lagoon where literally thousands of seals were basking on the very sandy and beautiful shore, and hundreds in the water, putting on quite a show of aquatic gymnastics... Pelicans were also swimming by the boat. As we headed back the fog was burnt off and we stopped in the sun. Numerous appetizers on trays were brought out, the middle of the boat was converted to table, with table cloth and champagne glass holders. We enjoyed the appetizers, the champagne and especially the huge local raw oysters.... what a treat, Oysters and champagne close the shore of West Africa. 
Cormorants - through the fog! - Eerie!
After returning to the ship, we decided a nap was in order, before we had to attend Namibia exit processing... our passports will be quite full of stamps after this trip! 
Shower and dinner at 8 and show at 10... a comedian/magician... who was actually quite funny.
Overall a lovely Mother's Day.

Bird Island... Poop Factory!!! only picture I have.

Seal Island!

Forgotten what this was... Anyone?
Appys before fresh Oysters
Another Party-crasher on the front

Happy Mothers Day!!!!!!!!

Returning to ship

Windswept and Happy

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